
发布于: 7 月 28, 2023


卑诗省温哥华 / ACCESSWIRE / 2023年7月25日 / Emergent Metals Corp. (Emergent或“本公司”) (TSX Venture Exchange:EMR)宣布将进行一笔非经纪人私募配售,以每个单位0.12加元的价格发行不超过12,500,000个单位,所得款项为1,500,000加元。每个单位将由本公司股本中的一股普通股和一份完整的不可转让普通股认股权证(“认股权证”)组成。每份认股权证可使持有人在发行之日起24个月内以每股0.15加元的价格额外认购本公司的一股普通股。此次发售的证券最低认购金额为2400加元。

本公司的某些内部人士可能参与此次私募配售发行。根据多边文书61-101保护特殊交易中的少数证券持有人(“MI 61-101”)的定义,内部人士参与私募发行将构成“关联方交易”。然而,本公司预计将免于MI 61-101的正式估值和少数股东批准要求,因为内部人士认购的单位的公平市场价值,以及这些内部人士支付的单位的对价,不会超过本公司市值的25%。



Emergent是一家专注于在内华达州和魁北克省勘探黄金和基本金属的公司。公司的战略是寻找高质量的收购,通过勘探增加这些资产的价值,并通过出售、合资、期权、权利金和其他商业交易寻求资产剥离,以推进我们的项目并为股东创造价值。在内华达州,Emergent的Golden Arrow项目区是该公司的核心资产,这是一个高级阶段的金银项目区,拥有明确的测定和指示资源量。New York Canyon是一个基本金属项目区,Emergent与力拓的子公司Kennecott Exploration已经签订了一份挣得选择加入合资企业的协议。Mindora项目区是一个金、银和基本金属项目区,距离New York Canyon只有12英里。Buckskin Rawhide East金银项目区租赁给了Rawhide Mining LLC,是临近的Rawhide矿的一部分。

在魁北克省,Casa South项目区是一个早期的黄金项目区,毗邻Hecla Mining Corporation(NYSE:HL)正在运营的Casa Berardi矿。Tecesson项目区位于Val d’Or采矿营地以北约50公里处。Emergent在Troilus North项目区拥有1%的净熔炼所得权利金(NSR),该项目区是Troilus Gold Corporation (TSX:TLG)正在勘探的Troilus矿区(处在预可行性阶段)的一部分。此外,该公司在与Wesdome Gold Mine Ltd.’s (TSX:WDO)正在运营的Kiena矿和O3 Mining Corporation’s (TSX:OIII)的Marban项目(预可行性阶段)相邻的East-West项目区中拥有1%的NSR。

请注意,Emergent的这些项目区位于正在生产或历史上生产的矿山附近,并不保证Emergent的项目区勘探成功,也不保证矿产资源或储量会被划定。关于本公司的更多信息,投资者可浏览本公司网站www.emergentmining.com 或查看本公司在SEDAR网站www.sedar.com上提交的信息。



David G. Watkinson,专业工程师


David G. Watkinson
电话:530-271-0679 转 101
电邮:[email protected]


Cautionary Note on Forward-Looking Statements

Certain information contained in this news release constitutes “forward-looking information” or “forward-looking statements” (collectively, “forward-looking information”). Without limiting the foregoing, such forward-looking information includes statements regarding the process and completion of the Offering, the use of proceeds of the Offering and any statements regarding the Company’s business plans, expectations and objectives. In this news release, words such as “may”, “would”, “could”, “will”, “likely”, “believe”, “expect”, “anticipate”, “intend”, “plan”, “estimate” and similar words and the negative form thereof are used to identify forward-looking information. Forward looking information should not be read as guarantees of future performance or results, and will not necessarily be accurate indications of whether, or the times at or by which, such future performance will be achieved. Forward-looking information is based on information available at the time and/or the Company management’s good faith belief with respect to future events and is subject to known or unknown risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other unpredictable factors, many of which are beyond the Company’s control. For additional information with respect to these and other factors and assumptions underlying the forward-looking information made in this news release, see the Company’s most recent Management’s Discussion and Analysis and financial statements and other documents filed by the Company with the Canadian securities commissions and the discussion of risk factors set out therein. Such documents are available at www.sedar.com under the Company’s profile and on the Company’s website at www.emergentmetals.com. The forward-looking information set forth herein reflects the Company’s expectations as at the date of this news release and is subject to change after such date. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, other than as required by law.


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