Emergent Metals宣布完成私募配售融資

發佈于: 10 月 23, 2023


卑詩省溫哥華 / ACCESSWIRE / 2023年10月23日 / Emergent Metals Corp. (Emergent或“本公司”) (TSX Venture Exchange:EMR)宣布已完成本公司曾在2023年7月25日和 2023年9月8日新聞稿中所述的非經紀人私募配售(“發行”)。Emergent以每單位0.10加元的價格發行了共計1,680,000個單位(“單位”),募集資金總額為168,000加元。每個單位由本公司股本中的一股普通股(“股票”)和一份不可轉讓的普通股認股權證(“認股權證”)組成。在2025年10月23日之前,即自發行之日起24個月內,每份完整的認股權證可以每股0.12加元的行使價購買本公司的一股普通股。






在內華達州,Emergent的Golden Arrow項目區是該公司的核心資產,這是一個高級階段的金銀項目區,擁有明確的測定和指示資源量。New York Canyon是一個基本金屬項目區,Emergent與力拓的子公司Kennecott Exploration已經簽訂了一份掙得選擇加入合資企業的協議。Mindora項目區是一個金、銀和基本金屬項目區,距離New York Canyon只有12英裏。Buckskin Rawhide East金銀項目區租賃給了Rawhide Mining LLC,是臨近的Rawhide礦的一部分。

在魁北克省,Casa South項目區是一個早期的黃金項目區,毗鄰Hecla Mining Corporation(NYSE:HL)正在運營的Casa Berardi礦。Tecesson項目區位於Val d’Or采礦營地以北約50公裏處。Emergent在Troilus North項目區擁有1%的淨熔煉所得權利金(NSR),該項目區是Troilus Gold Corporation (TSX:TLG)正在勘探的Troilus礦區(處在預可行性階段)的一部分。此外,該公司在與Wesdome Gold Mine Ltd.’s (TSX:WDO)正在運營的Kiena礦和O3 Mining Corporation’s (TSX:OIII)的Marban項目(預可行性階段)相鄰的East-West項目區中擁有1%的NSR。

請注意,Emergent的這些項目區位於正在生產或曆史上生產的礦山附近,並不保證Emergent的項目區勘探成功,也不保證礦產資源或儲量會被劃定。關於本公司的更多信息,投資者可瀏覽本公司網站www.emergentmining.com 或查看本公司在SEDAR網站www.sedar.com上提交的信息。



David G. Watkinson,專業工程師


David G. Watkinson
電話:530-271-0679 轉 101
電郵:[email protected]


Cautionary Note on Forward-Looking Statements

Certain information contained in this news release constitutes “forward-looking information” or “forward-looking statements” (collectively, “forward-looking information”). Without limiting the foregoing, such forward-looking information includes statements regarding the process and completion of the Offering, the use of proceeds of the Offering and any statements regarding the Company’s business plans, expectations and objectives. In this news release, words such as “may”, “would”, “could”, “will”, “likely”, “believe”, “expect”, “anticipate”, “intend”, “plan”, “estimate” and similar words and the negative form thereof are used to identify forward-looking information. Forward looking information should not be read as guarantees of future performance or results, and will not necessarily be accurate indications of whether, or the times at or by which, such future performance will be achieved. Forward-looking information is based on information available at the time and/or the Company management’s good faith belief with respect to future events and is subject to known or unknown risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other unpredictable factors, many of which are beyond the Company’s control. For additional information with respect to these and other factors and assumptions underlying the forward-looking information made in this news release, see the Company’s most recent Management’s Discussion and Analysis and financial statements and other documents filed by the Company with the Canadian securities commissions and the discussion of risk factors set out therein. Such documents are available at www.sedar.com under the Company’s profile and on the Company’s website at www.emergentmetals.com. The forward-looking information set forth herein reflects the Company’s expectations as at the date of this news release and is subject to change after such date. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, other than as required by law.

基本金屬 白銀 礦業 黃金