RedHill Biopharma加快RHB-104克罗恩病三期试验,预计2018年中取得结果

Redhill Biopharma Ltd NASDAQ:RDHL Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology,医药,生物科技
发布于: 10 月 2, 2017

RedHill Biopharma Ltd.(纳斯达克:RDHL)(特拉维夫股票交易所:RDHL)(“RedHill”或“公司”)是一家专业生物制药公司,主要专注于胃肠疾病和炎症性疾病及癌症治疗方面、处于后期临床试验阶段的专有口服小分子药物的开发和商业化。本公司今天公布目前正在美国进行的RHB-104克罗恩病鸟型分枝杆菌副结核杆菌亚种(美国MAP)首项三期试验的受试者人数已经由410人减少至大约325人。到目前为止已有322名受试者入组,同时保持了80%以上的统计功效和15%的处理效应。





RedHill Biopharma Ltd介绍:

RedHill Biopharma Ltd(纳斯达克:RDHL)(特拉维夫股票交易所:RDHL)是一家总部位于以色列的专业生物医药公司,主要专注于肠胃疾病和炎症性疾病以及癌症方面后期临床试验阶段的专有口服小分子药的开发和商业化。RedHill在美国推广三款胃肠产品——肠易激综合征和急性小肠结肠炎口服处方辅助药物Donnatal®,医生监督下慢性腹泻和稀便饮食管理的医疗食品EnteraGam®,以及成人胃食管反流疾病和其他胃肠疾病的质子泵抑制剂—49.3毫克埃索美拉唑锶迟释胶囊。RedHill目前处于临床阶段的产品管线包括:(i)TALICIA(RHB—105)—幽门螺杆菌感染口服混合药,首项三期试验获得成功,正在进行验证性三期试验;(ii)RHB—104—克罗恩病口服混合药,正在进行首项三期试验,已经完成治疗多发性硬化症的概念验证IIa期试验幷计划进行治疗非结核性分枝杆菌感染的关键性三期试验;(iii)BEKINDA®(RHB—102)—日服一次的昂丹司琼口服药片制剂,急性肠胃炎和胃炎三期试验取得成功结果,正在进行治疗腹泻型肠易激综合征的二期试验;(iv)RHB—106—肠道准备药物胶囊,已经授权给Salix Pharmaceuticals Ltd.;(v)YELIVA® (ABC294640)—二期阶段的口服SK2选择性抑制剂,是首创新药,靶向为多种肿瘤、炎症性和胃肠道适应症;(vi)MESUPRON—处于二期试验阶段的口服蛋白酶抑制剂,是首创新药,靶向为胰腺癌和其他实体瘤;;(vii)RIZAPORT® (RHB—103)—利扎曲坦口服薄膜制剂,治疗急性偏头痛,正在与美国食品药品监督管理局讨论新药申请,通过欧洲分散审批程序在两个欧盟国家获得上市许可。欲了解与本公司有关的更多资讯,请访问。

Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such statements may be preceded by the words “intends,” “may,” “will,” “plans,” “expects,” “anticipates,” “projects,” “predicts,” “estimates,” “aims,” “believes,” “hopes,” “potential” or similar words. Forward-looking statements are based on certain assumptions and are subject to various known and unknown risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the Company’s control, and cannot be predicted or quantified and consequently, actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such risks and uncertainties include, without limitation, risks and uncertainties associated with (i) changes in the outcomes of our clinical trials resulting from changes in the size of the trials, and the accuracy of projected cost savings from changes to clinical trials; (ii) the initiation, timing, progress and results of the Company’s research, manufacturing, preclinical studies, clinical trials, and other therapeutic candidate development efforts and projected cost savings from any changes to these trials; (iii) the Company’s ability to advance its therapeutic candidates into clinical trials or to successfully complete its preclinical studies or clinical trials; (iv) the extent and number of additional studies that the Company may be required to conduct and the Company’s receipt of regulatory approvals for its therapeutic candidates, and the timing of other regulatory filings, approvals and feedback; (v) the manufacturing, clinical development, commercialization, and market acceptance of the Company’s therapeutic candidates; (vi) the Company’s ability to successfully market Donnatal® and EnteraGam®, (vii) the Company’s ability to establish and maintain corporate collaborations; (viii) the Company’s ability to acquire products approved for marketing in the U.S. that achieve commercial success and build its own marketing and commercialization capabilities; (ix) the interpretation of the properties and characteristics of the Company’s therapeutic candidates and of the results obtained with its therapeutic candidates in research, preclinical studies or clinical trials; (x) the implementation of the Company’s business model, strategic plans for its business and therapeutic candidates; (xi) the scope of protection the Company is able to establish and maintain for intellectual property rights covering its therapeutic candidates and its ability to operate its business without infringing the intellectual property rights of others; (xii) parties from whom the Company licenses its intellectual property defaulting in their obligations to the Company; and (xiii) estimates of the Company’s expenses, future revenues capital requirements and the Company’s needs for additional financing; (xiv)the Company’s Expanded Access Program, which allows patients with life-threatening diseases potential access, subject to regulatory and other approvals, to RedHill’s investigational new drugs that have not yet received regulatory marketing approval, if a patient suffers an adverse experience using such investigative drug, potentially adversely affecting the clinical development program of that investigational product or the Company generally; (xv) competitive companies and technologies within the Company’s industry. More detailed information about the Company and the risk factors that may affect the realization of forward-looking statements is set forth in the Company’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), including the Company’s Annual Report on Form 20-F filed with the SEC on February 23, 2017. All forward-looking statements included in this Press Release are made only as of the date of this Press Release. We assume no obligation to update any written or oral forward-looking statement unless required by law.




Adi Frish


RedHill Biopharma


[email protected]



Marcy Nanus


The Trout Group


[email protected]


医药 生物科技