Cramer: The next big Trump stock is a Canadian company

Published on: Apr 27, 2017

Cramer loves Enbridge for a number of reasons. First and foremost is the company’s breadth: its pipes transport nearly 68 percent of south-bound Canadian crude, much of which flows to the United States, and 20 percent of all the natural gas used in the United States.

Moreover, Enbridge is set to gain from the president’s deregulation of the energy industry as well as his push to build pipelines like the recently approved Keystone and Dakota Access projects.

“Plus, politics aside, with oil at $49 a barrel, the only real limiting factor on production in low-cost regions like Texas’ Permian Basin [is] the availability of pipeline space,” Cramer said. “Meanwhile, Enbridge can probably build for years before saturating the market.”

That enables investors to play the U.S. production boom without worrying as much about the price of crude because Enbridge gets paid mostly based on its transport volumes, not oil prices.

To top it off, Enbridge’s deal with Spectra improved the company’s standing by a huge margin.

Not only did the takeover give Enbridge best-in-class assets like one of New York City’s biggest natural gas pipelines and a network on the Gulf and East Coasts, but it added $58 billion worth of new growth projects that will help boost its dividends annually for the next seven years.

“The payout could really balloon, and that’s saying something because Enbridge already gives you a 4 percent yield,” Cramer said.

Certainly, there is something to be said about the president’s increasingly hawkish rhetoric on Canada. The administration placed a 20 percent tariff on Canadian softwood lumber and Trump has recently been critical of the country’s dairy industry.

Still, Cramer insisted that Enbridge has little to worry about even if the United States somehow gets embroiled in a trade war with its northern neighbor.

“The disputes over Canadian lumber and Canadian milk go back decades, whereas nobody has a problem with buying oil from Canada except for, yes, environmentalists, who don’t really have that much of a voice … in the new administration,” he said.

The alternative is buying from hostile regimes in the Middle East, something the Trump administration is likely to avoid.

Finally, as a major pipeline player, Enbridge has the potential to do one of the president’s favorite things: create U.S. jobs.

“There are few infrastructure projects that produce more unskilled but highly paid jobs, not to mention the need for American-made steel and American-made earth-moving equipment, all of which are bountiful for employment,” Cramer said.

Trump is eager to embrace even international companies that create jobs stateside, and Cramer believes Enbridge might be the largest one yet.

“Enbridge now has some of the best assets and the best growth in the industry, with tens of billions of dollars worth of projects on the drawing board that will now be fast-tracked, as opposed to being held up like they were under Obama,” Cramer said. “Now that’s a fixed-income play and an ultimate Trump trade.”

Source: CNBC

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