Silver Storm繼續報告La Parrilla銀礦綜合體第一階段金剛石鑽探結果

發佈于: 1 月 4, 2024

安大略省多倫多–(Newsfile Corp. – 2024年1月4日) – Silver Storm Mining Ltd. (TSXV: SVRS) (OTCQB: SVRSF) (FSE: SVR) (“Silver Storm或“本公司”)欣然報告本公司位於墨西哥杜蘭戈省、100%擁有的La Parrilla銀礦綜合體第一階段金剛石鑽探計劃的進一步鑽探結果。本新聞稿中的四個鑽孔的鑽探結果均來自Quebradillas礦。


  • 鑽孔Q-23-020在C460區鑽獲一段銀當量品位1810克/噸的14.62米礦段,其中包括銀當量品位2466克/噸的9.57米礦段以及銀當量品位682克/噸的4.00米礦段
  • 這些礦段位於該地區上一次礦山開發下方約15米處,具有類似的高品位礦化物:

1767 EL綜合曆史槽探樣本中銀當量品位為974克/噸,走向長度為23米,寬度為2.86米。

  • 鑽孔Q-23-017在Quebradillas區鑽獲一段銀當量品位266克/噸的6.03米礦段,其中包括銀當量品位496克/噸的1.67米礦段以及銀當量品位354克/噸的0.60米礦段
  • 鑽孔Q-23-019在Quebradillas區鑽獲一段銀當量品位523克/噸的1.22米礦段

本公司總裁兼首席執行官Greg McKenzie表示,“C460是First Majestic Silver公司之前在Quebradillas生產時開采的最大礦區。今天報告的高品位礦化物將C460區向南延伸到了更深的地方,而之前在這裏進行的鑽探工作十分有限。該區域的礦化物品位更高,範圍更廣,比緊鄰上方的先前開采過的面積更大。我們對發現這一區域更高的品位感到驚喜,並將於2024年在這一位置進行更多鑽探。”




鑽孔Q-23-020以C460區為目標進行了鑽探,成功地與接替礦化相交,獲得了一段銀當量品位1810克/噸的14.62米(56.00米至70.62米)礦段,其中包括銀當量品位2466克/噸的9.57米(60.50米至70.07米)礦段,以及銀當量品位682克/噸的4.00米(56.00米至60.00米)礦段。-詳見表 1;圖 1、圖 2 和圖 3。


  • 從1767 EL回采面曆史槽探樣本中得到綜合加權平均銀當量品位為974克/噸,走向長度為23米,平均寬度為2.86米






  • 從Quebradillas West 1892 EL回采面曆史槽探樣本中得到綜合加權平均銀當量品位為234克/噸,走向長度為18米,平均寬度為2.34


鑽孔Q-23-019與Quebradillas角礫岩礦化相交,鑽探返回一段銀當量品位523克/噸的1.22米(45.98米至47.20米)礦段。該礦段位於該區域最後一個開發水平之下約 31 米處,具有類似的高品位礦化物:

  • 從Quebradillas East 1892 EL回采面曆史槽探樣本中得到綜合加權平均銀當量品位為233克/噸,走向長度為29米,平均寬度為2.16米。

1 – 鑽孔Q-23-017Q-23-020精選礦段測定結果及曆史結果

區域 鑽孔 長度





QUE Q-23-017 36.65 42.68 6.03 266 166 0.17 1.11 2.07 0.02
包括 36.65 38.32 1.67 496 334 0.07 1.73 4.00 0.04
40.12 40.72 0.60 354 203 0.12 1.80 3.42 0.02
QUE Q-23-019 45.98 47.20 1.22 523 171 0.79 2.76 7.89 0.01
C460 Q-23-020 56.00 70.62 14.62 1,810 1,151 0.13 13.83 10.18 0.06
56.00 60.00 4.00 682 279 0.21 6.21 8.06 0.07
包括 60.50 70.07 9.57 2,466 1,635 0.11 18.42 11.99 0.06
QUE ILP-Q-16-11 99.50 102.00 2.50 224 178 0.07 1.02 0.47
QUE ILP-Q-16-14 95.10 98.05 2.95 152 107 0.06 0.75 0.71
QUE ILP-Q-17-05 39.90 40.60 0.70 323 133 0.11 1.31 1.80
QUE ILP-Q-18-02 40.30 40.75 0.45 168 68 0.04 0.13 0.02
QUE ILP-Q-18-72 41.45 42.00 0.55 275 127 0.20 0.15 0.15


2 – 曆史槽探取樣結果 (2) – C460

區域 槽編號 寬度 銀當量(1)



C460 V460-1767-L0 1.60 660 288 5.40 8.37
C460 V460-1767-L1 5.10 1247 665 10.67 10.85
C460 V460-1767-L2 2.80 1447 733 12.80 13.62
C460 V460-1767-L3 2.30 1699 1053 12.10 11.82
C460 V460-1767-L4 2.00 1249 659 10.68 11.13
C460 V460-1767-L5 2.00 677 253 7.79 7.87
C460 V460-1767-L6 3.30 437 158 4.70 5.63
C460 V460-1767-L7 3.70 706 282 7.06 8.61
C460 V460-1767-L8 2.90 641 274 5.58 7.98
C460 V460-1777-L09 1.50 1002 461 7.98 12.00
C460 V460-1777-L08 2.70 376 150 3.37 4.96
C460 V460-1777-L07 3.50 1104 633 9.84 7.57
C460 V460-1777-L06 3.20 995 496 7.68 10.77
C460 V460-1777-L5S 1.80 1915 1057 13.64 18.09
C460 V460-1777-L4S 1.65 1816 1152 13.62 10.96
C460 V460-1777-L3S 2.40 893 443 7.82 8.84
C460 V460-1777-L2S 1.95 569 280 6.72 3.97
C460 V460-1777-L0 4.45 509 209 5.83 5.27
C460 V460-1777-L2N 2.35 676 294 7.64 6.47
C460 V460-1792-L1 2.30 315 148 4.19 2.01
C460 V460-1792-L2 1.25 683 332 7.06 5.94
C460 V460-1792-L3 1.40 1417 914 12.59 6.07
C460 V460-1792-L4 2.75 1712 1158 13.63 6.89
C460 V460-1792-L5 2.40 986 471 12.90 6.15
C460 V460-1792-L6 4.05 1046 614 10.61 5.39
C460 V460-1792-L7 3.65 563 236 6.04 6.06


3 – 曆史槽探取樣結果 (2) – Quebradillas EastWest

區域 槽樣 寬度 銀當量(1)



QUE EAST TABLA IZQ. P.T+13.50 Mts. 2.00 101 57 0.68 0.95
QUE EAST TABLA DER. P.T+18 Mts. 4.20 115 63 0.86 1.05
QUE EAST P.T+9 MTS 0.50 343 241 2.46 1.30
QUE EAST P.T+10 MTS 2.20 336 209 2.06 2.65
QUE EAST P.T+13 MTS 1.30 227 160 1.46 1.02
QUE EAST L – 8+1 Mts. 2.50 287 203 1.34 1.76
QUE EAST L – 30 3.90 227 182 0.95 0.72
QUE EAST L- 31 0.90 120 3 2.46 1.89
QUE EAST TABLA IZQ. L-29 1.90 341 262 1.98 0.93
QUE WEST VQ-1892-114 1.05 330 184 2.06 3.32
QUE WEST VQ-1892-117 0.50 182 93 0.89 2.39
QUE WEST VQ-1892-121 0.45 116 77 0.66 0.75
QUE WEST VQ-1892-124 8.00 113 80 0.55 0.65
QUE WEST VQ-1892-127 2.70 213 110 1.64 2.13
QUE WEST VQ-1892-127 1.45 414 292 2.61 1.91
QUE WEST VQ-1892-130 3.55 194 118 1.24 1.55
QUE WEST VQ-1892-133 1.00 307 218 2.17 1.12


(1) .本新聞稿中的所有結果均已四舍五入。化驗樣本未經切割和稀釋。寬度為岩心長度,而非實際寬度。白銀當量的計算采用的金屬價格分別為:白銀22.50美元/盎司、黃金1800美元/盎司、鉛0.94美元/磅、鋅1.35美元/磅。

(2) 計算了回采面上每條槽探通道礦化寬度的加權平均品位(圖1-5)。


Silver Storm采用質量保證/質量控制計劃,監控樣本的監管鏈,包括在每批送去分析的樣本中插入空白、副本和參考標准。對鑽探岩芯進行拍照、記錄並一分為二,一半保留在安全地點以備核查,另一半運去分析。樣本制備(破碎和粉碎)在位於墨西哥薩卡特卡斯的獨立ISO 9001:2001認證的實驗室ALS Geochemistry進行,礦漿被送往加拿大溫哥華進行分析。將整個樣品粉碎到70%通過-2毫米,然後取250克的裂紋分裝,粉碎到85%以上通過75微米。從30克的礦漿中用AAS(Au-AA23)標准火法分析樣品的金含量。對於大於10克/噸的金,則用30克礦漿用火法(Au-GRA21)重新分析。此外,還使用34元素電感耦合等離子體法(ICP)和原子發射光譜法(AES)對經王水消化的礦漿(ME-ICP61)進行樣品分析。采用ICP-AES(ME-OG62)四酸消化超限法重新測定銀(>100克/噸)、鉛(>1%)、鋅(>1%)和銅(>1%)的超限樣品值。對於銀值大於1500克/噸的樣品,使用30克礦漿(Ag-GRA21)的火法測定法進行重新測定。本文報告的結果沒有發現質量保證/質量控制問題。


本文件中的科學和技術信息已由專業地質學家Bruce Robbins審查和批准,他是National Instrument 43-101所定義的合資格人士。

Silver Storm Mining Ltd. (前身為Golden Tag Resources Ltd.)概況

Silver Storm Mining Ltd.擁有位於墨西哥杜蘭戈州的高級銀礦項目。該公司最近完成了對La Parrilla銀礦綜合體的收購,這是一個多產的采礦綜合體,由一個日均加工2000噸礦石的加工廠以及五個地下礦和一個曾經生產過的露天礦組成,在2005年至2019年期間共生產了3430萬盎司白銀當量。本公司還擁有墨西哥最大的未開發白銀資產之一—San Diego項目。有關本公司及礦產項目的更多信息,請訪問我們的官方網站


Greg McKenzie,總裁兼首席執行官

電話:+1 (416) 504-2024

[email protected]


Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements:

Certain statements in this news release are forward-looking and involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Such forward-looking statements are within the meaning of the phrase ‘forward-looking information’ in the Canadian Securities Administrators’ National Instrument 51-102 – Continuous Disclosure Obligations. Forward-looking statements are not comprised of historical facts. Forward-looking statements include estimates and statements that describe the Company’s future plans, objectives or goals, including words to the effect that the Company or management and Qualified Persons (in the case of technical and scientific information) expects a stated condition or result to occur. Forward-looking statements may be identified by such terms as “believes”, “anticipates”, “expects”, “estimates”, “may”, “could”, “would”, “will”, or “plan”. Since forward-looking statements are based on assumptions and address future events and conditions, by their very nature they involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Although these statements are based on information currently available to the Company, the Company provides no assurance that actual results will meet management’s expectations. Risks, uncertainties and other factors involved with forward-looking information could cause actual events, results, performance, prospects and opportunities to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking information. Forward-looking information in this news release includes, but is not limited to, the future exploration performance at La Parrilla, the timing and extent of the drill program, the ability to increase Mineral Resources therein, and the ability to eventually place the La Parrilla Complex back into production.

In making the forward-looking statements included in this news release, the Company and Qualified Persons (in the case of technical and scientific information) have applied several material assumptions, including that the Company’s financial condition and development plans do not change because of unforeseen events, that future metal prices and the demand and market outlook for metals will remain stable or improve, management’s ability to execute its business strategy and no unexpected or adverse regulatory changes with respect to La Parrilla. Forward-looking statements and information are subject to various known and unknown risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the ability of the Company to control or predict, that may cause the Company’s actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from those expressed or implied thereby, and are developed based on assumptions about such risks, uncertainties and other factors set out herein, including, but not limited to, there being no assurance that the Company’s current and future exploration programs will grow the Mineral Resource base or upgrade Mineral Resource confidence, the risk that the assumptions referred to above prove not to be valid or reliable, the risk that the Company is unable to achieve its goal of placing La Parrilla back into production; market conditions and volatility and global economic conditions including increased volatility and potentially negative capital raising conditions resulting from the continued or escalation of the COVID-19 pandemic, risk of delay and/or cessation in planned work or changes in the Company’s financial condition and development plans; risks associated with the interpretation of data (including in respect of third party mineralized material) regarding the geology, grade and continuity of mineral deposits, the uncertainty of the geology, grade and continuity of mineral deposits and the risk of unexpected variations in Mineral Resources, grade and/or recovery rates; risks related to gold, silver and other commodity price fluctuations; employee relations; relationships with and claims by local communities and indigenous populations; availability and increasing costs associated with mining inputs and labour, the speculative nature of mineral exploration and development, including the risks of obtaining necessary licenses and permits and the presence of laws and regulations that may impose restrictions on mining, including the Mexican mining reforms; risks relating to environmental regulation and liability; the possibility that results will not be consistent with the Company’s expectations.

Such forward-looking information represents managements and Qualified Persons (in the case of technical and scientific information) best judgment based on information currently available. No forward-looking statement can be guaranteed, and actual future results may vary materially. Accordingly, readers are advised not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements or information.

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圖 1:C460區1792 EL及以下的平面圖

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圖 2:1792、1777、1767 EL 回采面C460槽探樣本西南側斜視圖

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圖 3:C460區向西南方向縱向剖面圖

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圖 4:Quebradillas區和1892 EL回采面槽探樣本平面圖

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圖 5:Quebradillas區縱剖面向北視覺圖

白銀 礦業