Xiangxue Pharma Teams Up With GE Unit to Mass Produce Cancer Treatment

Published on: Jan 18, 2018
Author: Amy Liu

Xiangxue Pharmaceutical Co. plans to mass produce its anti-cancer immunotherapy products in partnership with a unit of General Electric Co. with the aim of securing a new source of profit growth for the Chinese drugmaker.

Xiangxue Pharma has penned a three-year deal with GE Medical Systems Trade and Development Shanghai Co., the Guangzhou-based company said in a statement yesterday.

Immunotherapy’s main application is to inhibit or eliminate the growth of cancel cells. The treatment takes living cells and cultures them in vitro before reintroducing them to the body to renew and replenish aging tissue so it can function as normal.

During the first phase of their cooperation, Xiangxue Pharma will use GE Medical’s FlexFactory platform and process development services to industrialize its TCR-engineered T cell therapy products. TCRT cell therapy is one of two ways to combat cancer cells.

GE Medical will also help Xiangxue set up a standardized method to produce immune cells at scale and get TCRT cell drugs into clinics more safely.

Source: yicaiglobal.com

China News Life Science Pharmaceutical