China’s Ty-Space Tech to Supply Gear to Firm Linked With US National Security

China’s Ty-Space Tech to Supply Gear to Firm Linked With US National Security,中国天银机电向美国Mitre供应产品
Published on: Oct 29, 2018
Author: Amy Liu

Ty-Space Technology, a Chinese maker of spacecraft sensors, has agreed to provide a navigational tool to an American not-for-profit organization that manages several federally funded US national defense research centers.

Massachusetts-based Mitre has placed an order for a USD72,800 star tracker, a device that helps spacecraft to position themselves according to the location of stars, Ty-Space’s parent company Tianyin Electromechanical said in a statement on Oct. 26.

Mitre has undertaken not to allow the equipment to be used for military purposes. Some of its units include the Homeland Security Systems Engineering and Development Institute and the National Security Engineering Center.

The company has for many years helped to develop the Global Positioning System and universal standards in the satellite sector, the statement added.

